The Carmel Valley Women's Club Foundation may respond to an immediate regional community emergency (i.e. floods, fire, food, shelter) through the Emergency Relief Fund. Any contribution must be made via a recipient nonprofit organization eligible under IRS tax code 501(c)(3). The process for identifying and responding to an emergency is designed to be simple.
Each year the Foundation will determine an amount of money to be set in reserve and to be granted to organizations for Emergency Relief efforts. The reserve amount may be cumulative from year to year and shall be posted annually in the June newsletter. The Treasurer will report at regular meetings the amount on hand in reserve, report any transactions against this and have the emergency funds available at all times
In the event of an emergency, any member of the Carmel Valley Women's Club or the Carmel Valley Women's Club Foundation may make a request to a member of the Foundation Board for emergency funds to be distributed. This receiving board member initiates the request as a motion including the names of the nonprofits and their tax ID's.
The Board may choose to act or not act in response to a request by a meeting, email motion, or conference call. A quorum is required in either event.
The Board may determine the amount of any gift. However no one gift or some total of gifts shall exceed the total amount available in the reserve for use in Emergency Relief efforts.
Conflict of Interest Policy:Any board member of officer of the Foundation who also serves on the board or is an officer of a proposed recipient organization must identify such relationship and abstain from voting for that particular organization.